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International Journal of Research in Human Resource Management
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P-ISSN: 2663-3213, E-ISSN: 2663-3361
International Journal of Research in Human Resource Management
Printed Journal   |   Refereed Journal   |   Peer Reviewed Journal

2023, Vol. 5, Issue 2, Part A

Complaint Management System

Dr. Swati Mittal

A complaint system is a set of procedures used in organizations to address complaints and resolve disputes Complaint Management system is a platform independent application, so this web application can be accessed anywhere in the system. The main objective of this Complaint Management system is to focus on the issues related to internal system. The system need to provide the services to the user who is accessing this system from the collected information and this system.
Customers become dissatisfied when product or service performances are not up to their expectations. Understanding the potential sources of dissatisfaction and customers’ reactions to negative situations are mandatory requirements in the design of effective service recovery strategies. Customer responses to various errors or unpleasant incidents are not unique The Complaints Management Process applies to complaints about the quality or timelines of service provided, or conduct of any service provider that directly affects a service user. The Complaints Management Process is designed to provide transparent efficient and effective complaints handling procedures across the Health Services. Complaints will be treated confidentially and complainants will not suffer any reprisals from the health service provider for making a complaint.
Practical realities prove that dissatisfaction leads customers to both migration behaviour and negative referrals to other potential buyers, adversely affecting retention rates, profitability and organizational image. Therefore, customers who make complaints provide the company with additional chances to identify internal deficiencies and to develop an appropriate recovery strategy. This should focus on actively encouraging complaining behaviour and establishing effective procedures to solve problems, remove the causes of dissatisfaction, and provide prompt answers to affected customers.
Pages : 37-41 | 1028 Views | 464 Downloads

International Journal of Research in Human Resource Management
How to cite this article:
Dr. Swati Mittal. Complaint Management System. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2023;5(2):37-41. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2023.v5.i2a.148
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