A study of work life balance among women in educational institutions with special reference to Delhi NCR
Dr. Sonia Sabharwal
Developing a unique perspective on work-life balance, particularly for women, requires taking into account the varied character of their experiences in today's industry and society. Addressing these issues necessitates a collective effort by companies, politicians, communities, and people. Creating an atmosphere in which women may attain a healthy work-life balance, benefits their personal and professional well-being while also fostering a more productive, creative, and inclusive society. Present study is based upon a survey in educational institutes about the work life balance issues among women employees. Respondents were asked to reply about four different aspects of WLB, and they were asked questions to examine their perception of the work life balance of their own. These four factors are Career Growth Opportunities, Health and Well-being, Supportive Culture, and Workplace Flexibility. The survey was conducted among 500 women employees. The results have shown that all the considered factors contribute to the WLB among women. Further the general observation during survey has suggested that the WLB is not only the concern of work place, family values, and WLB sensitivity among the family members help the women to attain better work life balance. The key suggestion of the research includes educating family members of women employees for WLB, by arranging family activities at work place.
Dr. Sonia Sabharwal. A study of work life balance among women in educational institutions with special reference to Delhi NCR. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2023;5(1):155-164. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2023.v5.i1b.179