Tauhid as a solution to economic injustice: Review of Ali Syariati's thoughts
Achmad Irwan Hamzani, Soesi Idayanti, Nuridin, Havis Aravik and Nur Khasanah
Ali Syariati is a modern century Islamic figure who inspires the Islamic world with various ideas and ideas. Syariati important thinking about tauhid as a solution to exploitation and economic injustice. This study will discuss tawhid as a solution to exploitation and injustice in the economy. The approach used in this research is philosophical. The data were analyzed with analysis content. The results of the study showed that Ali Syariati invites every human being to eradicate all forms of exploitation and injustice through the concept of tauhid as the foundation of one's faith and the spirit of submission only to Allah Swt. With tauhid everyone will understand that economic activities carried out must be based on the values of Islamic teachings. There is no zeal to cheat or take away the rights of others or control resources for personal gain as in the symbol of the Qabil group. Syariati makes Qabil a symbol that makes wealth a destination and makes it lawful for all means to control it. While Habil is a symbol of ideal goals in economic practice, a noble group before Allah Swt.
Achmad Irwan Hamzani, Soesi Idayanti, Nuridin, Havis Aravik, Nur Khasanah. Tauhid as a solution to economic injustice: Review of Ali Syariati's thoughts. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2022;4(1):25-29. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2022.v4.i1a.84