Job satisfaction of garments sector employees in Bangladesh
Hillol Fouzder, Sajun Saha and Safaa B Darwish
Employee job satisfaction is one of the main factors for the prosperity or success of an employee as well as an organization and a related issue in human resource management, organizational behavior, and personnel management. This study attempts to evaluate the various factors (pay and benefit, supervisor’s behavior, work condition and environment, opportunity for career development, organization policy, and communication with co-worker) that affect the employee’s job satisfaction. The study result indicate that pay and benefits, supervisor’s behavior and organization policy have a significant impact on employee’s job satisfaction. This study will provide the new message to the employer’s regarding the way for better employee satisfaction that are ultimately affect the organizational success.
Hillol Fouzder, Sajun Saha, Safaa B Darwish. Job satisfaction of garments sector employees in Bangladesh. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2020;2(1):38-44. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2020.v2.i1a.49