Age diversity and inclusion in the modern Indian workplace: Opportunities and challenges
Dr. Anjali Arora
Age diversity is a very common and noticeable feature that permeates the workplace today. Employees of different age groups present their own capabilities and strengths as well as shortcomings and challenges. It is important for HR to recognise and understand these differences and use age diversity as a leverage for better organisational effectiveness. In order to function effectively, the organisation needs the smartness and technical capabilities of the younger generation and also the patience and experience characteristic of the older generation. The thinking of people belonging to diverse age groups with different ideologies representative of their times is bound to clash. It is the skill of the HR to use this variety to the organisation’s advantage. The present paper studies the distinguishing characteristics, the challenges they throw, and how these can be transformed into new possibilities.
Dr. Anjali Arora. Age diversity and inclusion in the modern Indian workplace: Opportunities and challenges. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2019;1(2):99-103. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2019.v1.i2b.76