Concern for environment friendly policies and actions is being highly stressed all across the globe. The recent climate conference held in Bonn where heads of several states sat together to develop a roadmap, is an evidence of the need to rethink our habits and take decisions that can benefit the society in the long run. Sustainable development has now become need of the hour. To ensure that this world remains a good place to live in, environment friendly policies should be adopted. Organizations may they be public or private can contribute significantly in ensuring a greener environment if they integrate different basic environment friendly initiatives in to their operations. This basic conceptual paper discusses one step that organizations can take in order to support the cause and need for sustainable growth or environment friendly missions. This study proposes the adoption of sustainable and eco-friendly practices by Human Resource Management departments in organizations in the shape of Green HRM. Green HRM is a concept that has gained attention of scholars recently, this conceptual paper further adds to the basic understanding of this idea.
Syed Sohaib Zubair, Mukaram Ali Khan. Sustainable development: The role of green HRM. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2019;1(2):01-06. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2019.v1.i2a.11