An analysis of employees’ background and their perception towards work-life balance
Meenakshi Thakur and Dr. Madhu
Organisational success depends on the effective use of human resources. In the current scenario, the role of work has shifted globally due to economic conditions and social demands. Employees are increasingly getting conscious towards work life balance, working conditions and job satisfaction. An attempt has been made in this research paper to evaluate whether there is any significant association between employees’ background and their perception about job satisfaction, organisational climate, and work-life balance. The various aspects studied are - perception about job satisfaction, organisational climate, organisational level initiatives, and work-life balance-oriented HR policies, general HR policies, and maintaining Work-Life Balance. For this purpose, perceptions of the employees have been analysed on the basis of employees’ background. The chi-square test was applied to determine the dependence of above variables and demographic factor (Employee’s Background) among the employees in SJVN Ltd (Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam Ltd).
Meenakshi Thakur, Dr. Madhu. An analysis of employees’ background and their perception towards work-life balance. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2019;1(1):49-55. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2019.v1.i1a.47