Role of demographic dividend in developed India: A multidimensional analysis
Dr. Rohit Kumar Rai
The Indian economy is currently enjoying a demographic dividend. More than 62% of the population in India is between the ages of 15 and 59. This demographic dividend of India will be at its peak around 2041. This demographic dividend creates such a potential in the Indian economy, which can prove to be helpful in achieving the goal of developed India by 2047. But for this it is necessary that our young population is technically skilled and trained as per the demand of the modern industrial world and is physically and mentally healthy. Therefore, to take advantage of the demographic dividend, on the one hand, basic facilities like education, skill development, health and nutrition will have to be spread, while on the other hand special emphasis will have to be given to such sectors in the economy where labour is used in abundance. If we are not able to do this, then the demographic dividend can prove to be a demographic nightmare for us and even if we increase the economic growth rate, we cannot become a truly developed nation with the concept of inclusive growth. Therefore, a major challenge before the Indian economy is to properly manage the demographic dividend and use it for economic development.
Dr. Rohit Kumar Rai. Role of demographic dividend in developed India: A multidimensional analysis. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2024;6(2):186-190. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2024.v6.i2b.215