Employee retention strategies adopted in garments industry: A Study Report
Dr. R Sam Renu and M Denisha Zen
This paper presents the various strategies of employee retention in garments industry. Employee retention is the conscious and deliberate effort to retain quality individuals on the company payroll. Stated otherwise, it is the proactive methods utilized by successful organizations to stop the drain of company profits caused by excessive employee turnover. Employee retention strategies are practices an organization follows to retain its staff (e.g. through compensation, policies, benefits, office perks, etc.). The objective of the study is to analyze the various strategies of employee retention in the garments industry and to examine the nature of work that are leading to employee turnover and to find the ways to retain employee in the garments industry. This study is helpful for the management to know the effective strategy and motivational techniques which can be adapted to retain their employees. Also, it reveals the benefits of using retention strategies in the organization. This study is a descriptive one. Primary data collected with the help of structured questionnaire administrated to employees and few management personnel of garments industry. One hundred samples were collected based on simple random sampling. Collected data were analyzed by using relevant statistical techniques like percentage analysis method, chi-square method, anova and correlation. The research shows that organization should focus more on reward and recognition as a retention strategy, as it helps as a motivating element and also helps in validating their performance.
Dr. R Sam Renu, M Denisha Zen. Employee retention strategies adopted in garments industry: A Study Report. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2024;6(2):01-05. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2024.v6.i2a.193