Talent management practices: A hook, line and sinker
Gunjan Sharma and Dr. Sulochna Syal
In recent years, research on the practice of talent management have received greater attention in organizations. Much of the prior work in this area is directed at the implementation of talent management practices in terms of talent attraction, talent acquisition, talent development, talent retention, succession planning. There is an absence of work that integrates research findings concerning the main variables contributing to an employee to be labelled as talented employee. There is mismatch between the assumed shortage of talent and actual shortage of talent in an organization. In this paper we address this question by reviewing the organisational literature and focuses on characteristics of talented employee. Based on selected studies, an integrated framework for labelling employee as talented and not so talented is developed, helping us to summarise the extant scholarship in this area. The framework provides a foundation for emerging research area and outlines key directions for future research.
Gunjan Sharma, Dr. Sulochna Syal. Talent management practices: A hook, line and sinker. Int J Res Hum Resour Manage 2023;5(1):21-28. DOI: 10.33545/26633213.2023.v5.i1a.124